November 23, 2009

TL's senior pictures

  • 1st set of senior pictures I've done, thanks for asking TL!
  • CREDITS to my assistant Hien for helping pose and suggesting locations (she did a super-duper job!)


Lynna said...

awesome job! love it!! my favorite is the last one, it shows great depth of field. =]

Jung said...

Loveeeees it!
Aww I haven't seen Tai for awhile now.

Yunna said...

I love the last one too. The bokeh! I bet TL is enjoying his photos :)
is it the 50 lens? ooh such nice colors it has...

Unknown said...

Canon 85mm f/1.8, it's my fav portrait lens ever! bokeh is so awesome on it hehe

Tai Le said...

Haha.. I still need to order the portraits.. Jon! I need your help!! Gahaha...