May 5, 2009

new stuff - 50mm & flash

Yeah..I've upgraded. didn't really cost me anything :)
That's because I sold my 75-300mm super long telephoto lens. It was fun to use, but image quality was horrible most of the time...
The 50mm was only $80 off Amazon, and I love it.
Dunno if ya'll noticed, but all my recent pictures have much more bokeh (background blur) due to me using the 50mm prime only.

Canon 50mm prime lens w/ hood
Taken in a pitch black room at night w/ the flash below...
EDIT: 50mm lens SOLD

Canon Speedlite 430EX

This was actually free. Long story... Still trying to figure out how to use it... Bounce flash is really useful indoors though :)


Yunna said...

ooh new equipment! Yeah the 50mm is one of my faves.
You can also bounce off white shirts and other things too :) haha though I don't know how happy the person getting the light bounced off of them will be.

Unknown said...

im'a try that one day heh :P

Lynna said...

awesome. FREE?! whoa. that is totally awesome, I wanted to invest in a flash too...perhaps one day. HAHA.