December 27, 2009

frozen waterfalls [part I]

yup, totally frozen!!

same waterfall I took a picture of in the summer, except it was all green back then!

December 17, 2009

zoo - new exhibit!

Predators of the Serengeti

ferocious lions

the agile cheetah... thirsty.

they can run from 0-70mph in 3 SECONDS!

  • If you couldn't tell by now, I love animals! Went back to the zoo just to see the new exhibit... It was super rainy and wet! The cheetah actually got really close to the glass, it's breath fogged up the glass 1 inch away from my lens :O

December 13, 2009

November 23, 2009

TL's senior pictures

  • 1st set of senior pictures I've done, thanks for asking TL!
  • CREDITS to my assistant Hien for helping pose and suggesting locations (she did a super-duper job!)

November 16, 2009

sherwood walk

a barn

found a horsey on our walk through the outskirts of town!

Riley!! the most adorable dog ever!
2nd only to mine ;)

international convention gifts

  • We made a bunch of little notebooks and other gifts for the bros. and sisters going to the International Convention in Africa this December =)

November 3, 2009

October 27, 2009

rose gardens

October 22, 2009

avalynn (my newborn niece)

72 hours old

72 hours

72 hours

1 month

3 months

3 months

October 14, 2009

hiking (Bethelites)

hiking (Olympians)

*amazing how B&W + contrast boost = emphasis on texture



October 7, 2009

KH build

KH build in Rainier, WA.
(click on the picture to enlarge)
  • My first RBC project! I was on sound crew.
  • The bottom-middle-left picture is of the sister who got me on the crew & on the project, thanks!! I was her subordinate on Sunday lol.
  • The bottom-left-corner picture shows some of what our crew did - install speakers on ceiling tiles

September 30, 2009
