December 20, 2008


pictures from Tam Vo & Thuy Linh's recent wedding on 12/13/08.
sorry, everything is kind of posted in a random order...

yet another slow-sync flash shot...

rejection hurts...

the pro in action

my niece, Amelia

Paul the digital camcorder guy.

the irony...


  • also, thanks to Tony for letting me borrow your 85mm prime! it's an awesome lens!! ^.^


jEsSe said...
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jEsSe said...

Hey Jon thanks for the update and the tip of Picasa! Its awsome!
Anyway, I felt so inpired by you, so I started a blog...(perhaps just pictures for now). And that picture of the little boy, with the red rose, good stuff!

Lynna said...

man, i wanna take someone's wedding pictures... =[
it looks so fun and challenging... =]

Paul said...

Dude! What's with all the black and white pictures of me? Makes me look all old-timey :(

Not that that's a bad thing... :p