October 15, 2008


the bird is so yellow!

don't know HOW i got this shot!! it's a water strider!!!

oooh, scary!!

even scarier!!!



b&w! ^^

Zoo was really good practice for correct exposure - animals were in all sorts of lighting conditions inside and out... started using AEB at the end but didn't quite do it right so that didn't help. Also was shooting in Tv (shutter speed priority) most of the time, but forgot to factor in 1.6x crop factor to focal length, so some of the pictures are a little blurry when viewed full-size because i was too lazy to use a tripod and messed up my calculations a bit. All-in-all i got some good pictures though. Animals are awesome. ^^ Don't forget to thank Jehovah for the animals! :)


Anonymous said...

WOW! really nice photos there cuz! =D

pro photographer xD

keep up the great work! =D

xo Nhi

Lynna said...

hey, very nice! my favorite one is the water one..very nice! good job!