June 9, 2013

Desktop Wallpapers

Multnomah Falls, Portland, OR, USA

Frozen Multnomah Falls, Portland, OR, USA

San Francisco (photo taken from Treasure Island)

Vietnamese Congregation of Portland, OR (2012)

2012 District Convention in San Jose, CA

Photo credits to Carter Leever. Camera is Tai Le's.

August 15, 2012

Farewell to the "Le" Family... for now.

Just wanted to upload this as a sort of goodbye... but we will see you guys soon, so don't fret!
I snapped this we escorted them to the airport and brought their whole house with us...

On a side note, this was the first real picture I took out of my new (used) SLR! Yayyy! (I've been using an Canon S90 ever since my VN trip in Feb.) I found an AWESOME deal on a Canon Rebel XS. So time to go lens shopping hehe. And time to sell the S90. You've been good to me.
More posts to come as I go on exciting adventures with my XS!

December 31, 2011

Youths at Circuit Assembly

a few kids from my cong. and my nieces :)

December 7, 2011

kina grannis

bboy event #1










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